
Wednesday, July 17


Please sign this petition supporting Arlo's Law, which wants NY to grant hearings for dog-on-dog attacks, since NY state only currently grants hearings for dog-on-human attacks. 

We need to hold owner's legally accountable for their personal beasts. I'm not saying punish the dog, I'm saying hold the owner accountable. 

New York state is actually a bit archaic when it comes to bite law and needs to evolve.  summarizes NY's current status : 

New York needs to move into the 20th Century (it was in that century that most of the strict liability dog bite laws were enacted). Although it is thought of as a liberal state, New York's dog bite laws are almost exactly the same ones that were created in the 17th century by British judges for the quaint English countryside. The highest court of New York has even ruled that there is no such thing as dog owner negligence......

New York needs a strict liability law like that of nearby New Hampshire. The state of New Hampshire has a law pertaining to canine-inflicted injuries that covers any cause of damage by a dog, and applies to injuries to not only humans but also any form of property, including another dog or cat. 

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