Mr. T, as he is known among his family and friends, really is a trooper. You think he likes being carted around in a stroller? Hell no! Even when he was injured with a ruptured disk in his neck, he still wanted to jump off and sniff around. That's just tito for you. Anyway, he's being a good boy and sitting still in this video. Just scoping the view.
Soo many people asked how Tito was doing after they saw this video, that I felt the need to follow up...with a beautiful day {see below}.
Hank: who rescued who?
Ma boy....Hank is almost 1 year old now. We rescued him when he was 13 weeks old from a gross puppy mill in Kentucky...after no time Lady warmed up to the little guy and now hank is truly a Lady's man. He has learned alot from her example, yet seems to teach her new ways to get into trouble or around blockades. He's a wiley guy for sure, but irresistable in his rock star way.
Aww I miss Kacey! Truly Regal...she is such a refined lady who dogs immediately respect and people immediately coo over...Anyway, her legacy still lives in the header of the website along with her half-sister Chloe.
Finding Maya was DOG-E-DOG Blog's greatest triumph. The story: Dog Habitat posted a photo of a "chi" that had been found in Greenpoint and Otto's parents forwarded the link to me, which I then shared on my blog. Days later, I was at McCarren Dog park when I saw signs for a missing "Mini Pinscher that looks like a Chihuahua"...but there was no picture. Upon responding I told the woman to check my blog and see if that was her dog. Indeed it was her Maya and they reconnected at Dog Habitat that night. Maya's mom agreed to meet up so I could take pictures of their reunion for a full-circle story on the website. Anyway, I'm thrilled the blog played an integral role in Maya's journey back home.
Yikes....this snowstorm was technically the last week of 2010...but was the first blog post of 2011, so it counts as happening this year. Anyway my 5 years in NYC hasn't seen a bigger, crazier snowstorm. Of course, it was during the holidays too, to add drama. Bikes, cars and many people were stranded under the thick blanket of snow...but dogs still needed to be walked. This was my first visit of a long day of walks. I walked/ran 12 miles that day, mostly in trodden tracks down the middle of usually crazy streets, like Union Ave and Metropolitan. Nonetheless, Tela and Timber loved it!
Yikes....this snowstorm was technically the last week of 2010...but was the first blog post of 2011, so it counts as happening this year. Anyway my 5 years in NYC hasn't seen a bigger, crazier snowstorm. Of course, it was during the holidays too, to add drama. Bikes, cars and many people were stranded under the thick blanket of snow...but dogs still needed to be walked. This was my first visit of a long day of walks. I walked/ran 12 miles that day, mostly in trodden tracks down the middle of usually crazy streets, like Union Ave and Metropolitan. Nonetheless, Tela and Timber loved it!
A Beautiful Day
It was just one of those days: sun was out, jazz trumpet blowing through the wind, Mr. Tito was walking on the ground for the first time in months. And I--well, I was in a good mood too. No need for words...just watch.
It was just one of those days: sun was out, jazz trumpet blowing through the wind, Mr. Tito was walking on the ground for the first time in months. And I--well, I was in a good mood too. No need for words...just watch.
Dapper Dog Co
I know alot of you are pro active about your dog's fashion. Well if that describes you, it's imperative to check out Dapper Dog Co's stuff. Megan--Barkley's mom, is an avid dog lover with a fashionable vision for Dapper and Dainty dogs... Her refurbished ties are turned into fashionable collars. She makes all orginal, and some customized collars and accoutrements for your furry friend...and you can support her through Etsy. Okay, go!
I know alot of you are pro active about your dog's fashion. Well if that describes you, it's imperative to check out Dapper Dog Co's stuff. Megan--Barkley's mom, is an avid dog lover with a fashionable vision for Dapper and Dainty dogs... Her refurbished ties are turned into fashionable collars. She makes all orginal, and some customized collars and accoutrements for your furry friend...and you can support her through Etsy. Okay, go!
Doggy Howloween Parade
This is one of those can't-miss dog events that people start prepping for months in advance. Tomkins Square Park's dog run has been hosting the parade and costume contest for 21 years now. Arriving there with Lady and Hank dressed up as Dinosaurs felt like we were walking down the red carpet at the Oscars. Swarms of gawking people circle the best-dressed, cutest dogs with HD video cameras, iphones, DSLR's with 200mm lenses, etc. And it is a sight to see...definitely...but wow, it's like black-friday crowded down there. Anyway, click on the blog post to see the winner's hand-sewn Lady Gaga outfit! The adorable Pomeranian was going by Lady Doga.
This is one of those can't-miss dog events that people start prepping for months in advance. Tomkins Square Park's dog run has been hosting the parade and costume contest for 21 years now. Arriving there with Lady and Hank dressed up as Dinosaurs felt like we were walking down the red carpet at the Oscars. Swarms of gawking people circle the best-dressed, cutest dogs with HD video cameras, iphones, DSLR's with 200mm lenses, etc. And it is a sight to see...definitely...but wow, it's like black-friday crowded down there. Anyway, click on the blog post to see the winner's hand-sewn Lady Gaga outfit! The adorable Pomeranian was going by Lady Doga.
DIY Treats
Super simple recipe makes for easy, recession-proof treats. A lot of peanut butter, flour and TLC will magically attract "beggars". Please contact me for the recipe...your dogs will love you even more!
Sumo with Buster!
Super simple recipe makes for easy, recession-proof treats. A lot of peanut butter, flour and TLC will magically attract "beggars". Please contact me for the recipe...your dogs will love you even more!
Sumo with Buster!
Busta-Bust's first day with DOG-E-DOG went swimmingly, as you can see. This here was the start of a beautiful relationship. Buster, only 1YO, has a certain gusto about him that dogs and humans can't deny. Daily social walks with Buster are always something we look forward to. See you soon, Buster!
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